Source Code


Roll on f*king floor laughing

It is a typo for ROFL. This is used when you are giving the expression, ROFL but much greater.

Ha-ha! Rofl! That is so damn funny! Rofl! Lol.

by Anonymous May 8, 2005

52πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A person who spends many hours doing nothing on irc and insists on pretending he/her is better than everyone else when infact they are clearly wrong

That guy is being such a dfr

by Anonymous May 29, 2003

6πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


What I would be if I were in Japan.

by Anonymous July 29, 2003

1151πŸ‘ 748πŸ‘Ž


5'11 1/2" or above

by Anonymous October 31, 2003

288πŸ‘ 189πŸ‘Ž



Every man have a penis

by Anonymous January 9, 2003

91πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


A relatively good American car. Not that that's saying much.

by Anonymous May 28, 2003

617πŸ‘ 502πŸ‘Ž


A Ricer kicking car. The 1969 1st generations are slick.

My civic raced a Camaro and a kid on a trike. The Camaro came in 1st, the Kid on the bike 2nd and I came in dead last because I suck and I am a big ricer who puts a spoiler on my FWD Civic

by Anonymous October 28, 2003

140πŸ‘ 190πŸ‘Ž