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One who cannot correctly spell the word Misspelled.

G-money misspelled misspelled.

by Anonymous April 23, 2003

3πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


In Luganda the word mwagala could mean: I love her, I need her, I want her, I admire her, I like her, I want to see her, IҀ™m relating with her, IҀ™m close to her, I have sex with her, IҀ™m attracted to her, I care about her, IҀ™m interested in her, I have feelings for her.

I mwagala her!

by Anonymous June 6, 2001

28πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


interest paid on a loan

by Anonymous June 27, 2003

352πŸ‘ 217πŸ‘Ž

slag ballast

Ostentatious jewellery which sparkles so much you can't see it's true, low, value...

Like Bling, but from Elizabeth Duke

by Anonymous August 7, 2003



by Anonymous October 14, 2003

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Is an Australian game, the best in the world.

do u wanna play some afl

by Anonymous April 2, 2003

258πŸ‘ 738πŸ‘Ž


see Australian Rules Football

it's a more comprehensive definition.

"AFL is one of the most unique sports in the world."

by Anonymous March 5, 2005

216πŸ‘ 712πŸ‘Ž