Longdale's balls
Hardboiled eggs > Naru
Hardboiled eggs are greater than Naru.
4π 20π
The sitcom term for "Grandma" said in at least half a dozen sitcoms since it was used on the humorless yuppie favorite show Seinfled showing what lemmings yuppies are, and sitcom writers.
You're Nanna really knows how to suck all the fudge off the banana. She is a real sweet tooth treat!
22π 102π
name that is associated with high quality and quantity of sperm.
Genetically superior in every way.
10π 18π
Any STI acquired on the campus of Rutgers University.
Guy 1: That chick is hot.
Guy 2: Yeah but dude, she's got all sorts of buttgers.
14π 6π
A GuY WhO LoOx LiKe KeViN oR CaMy cLoW.
16π 48π
1. Vomiting (see wordmagged/word
2. Screwing something up
I'd carry him home, but he's too busy magging in the toilet
Man, I just magged that test!
11π 16π
In web forums - to be scooped in the presentation of a story or topical news item.
MobyDick posted it here first -- I've been mucked!
75π 22π