Squaredle is a boggle-like daily puzzle game where you have to find all the words in the (usually) 4Ã4 or 5Ã5 grid (some days it's 3Ã3). The game was created in March of 2022, and has had over 500 puzzles created. The 500th puzzle was created on July 18th, 2023, and the first dates back to March 6th, 2022. Overall, there are probably around 600 puzzles at the time I'm writing this (October 19th, 2023), counting special puzzles, which are usually puzzles that are too difficult to be regular puzzles, or they have a neat effect, like the 10Ã10 puzzles.
There are some really enjoyable puzzles out there, especially the "Got Salt?" puzzle, which has around 500 words. The special puzzles aren't meant to be completed in a day, which is why they are in the "Special Puzzles" category.
The Squaredle community is very positive and kind, and they even have their own Discord!
Person A: "I just completed my 50th Squaredle puzzle!"
Person B: "Congratulations! I'm only on my 37th."