An individual, group or country singled out for unmerited negative treatment or blame; then accepting the blame, and overly going along with the plan against them to the point of looking like a dick.
Xest: If you look at what happened with the DRM fiasco, we had Don insulting his customers...
UnknowingFool: Or maybe Mattrick was a scapegoat and was doing what he was told to do.
Xest: It's hard to imagine Mattrick was a scapegoat given that he implicated himself by defending so rabidly the DRM policies in interviews to the extent of insulting customers. I very much doubt his orders were "Don, go make a dick of yourself in public". I'm pretty sure he managed that all by himself.
NFN_NLN: I think we can all agree we've coined the new term: "scapedick" :)
Crowd: Mattrick was such a scapedick on the XBoxOne DRM issue.