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A true Christian (in my opinion) is someone who:
(1.) Believes that Jesus Christ, God's son, humbled himself and came to the earth as a human being.
*Believes that Jesus died on a cross not for glory or fame but for the sins of all mankind.
*Believes that Jesus taught people how to live, and that he taught by example. He never sinned, although he had been tempted more than once.
*Believes that Jesus is forgiving not just once but ALWAYS, which means that if ANYONE sincerely asks him for forgiveness, he will recieve it. Also believes that Christ came for ALL PEOPLE and everybody has a chance to recieve Christ's love.
*Believes that Christ did not come to bring himself up but to bring others up and teach others to do it. He came for a reason: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
(2.) Tries very hard to live by the things Christ taught.
*Does not act like a Christian just because they are concerned about others' opinions.
*Tries to bring people up, and not think selfishly.
*Tries not to bring people down, which includes cursing, insulting, and hurting: people of different gender, different sexual preferences, people who express themselves different than themselves, people who have hurt the person in the past, people who don't live by Christ's teachings, people who look different regarding their weight and such, people like celebrities (we are all the same as them) and many, many more...
*Tries not to judge based on what he/she sees. Can include sexual preferences, weight, hair color (what a drag that I had to say that,) skin color, and many more. This is pretty much self explanatory.
*Tries to be thankful for the things he/she has, and tries not to complain about or dwell on things that he/she doesn't have.
*Tries very hard to forgive others for the things they do, not only to the person but to themselves and others. This could be the hardest thing for a Christian to do because it's hard to get hurt feelings out of his/her mind. I myself find it hard because the things people have done come to my mind when I see them. It's hard to be forgiving but one must try. The fact that forgiveness is hard is NOT an excuse to defend his/herself with.
*Tries not to compete for attention/bragging rights, bring others down or become 'better than others' by doing all this, because that IS NOT the reason one should become a Christian. Does not act like a Christian just so he can be looked at as a better person.
*There are many other things I could say about number 2 but those are some of the most important things to me.
(3.) Tries to spread the Christian faith and be welcoming to others.
*It does include a little bit of talk and a lot of support. The best way to introduce the Christian faith is to just be a good friend. Being a good example of a Christian and not tainting others' opinions of one is a very important factor. Being a good role model is a perfect way to model the Christian faith.
*One must welcome others no matter what their personality or attitude is, what they wear, how they speak, what they do, or especially what they think of you. We must not pick and choose who to be welcoming to, because Christ didn't. In fact, Jesus made it a goal for himself to reach out to those who were 'low on the food chain.' He cared about people who nobody cares about.
***NOTE*** This definition was not written to be used as an excuse to bring someone down or tell them how bad they are. It is all my opinion, but I do believe it is true. I just wanted to share my opinion with you and maybe clear up some of the bad things said about them. Now let me say, nobody's perfect. Hopefully no Christian thinks they're perfect. Also I'd like to say that Christians are not all heterosexual, and they are not all afraid of or dislike homosexuals. Most importantly, at least 95% of Christians are not on a mission to prove that they are better than everyone else. That's not their prerogative. Trust me. ^-^

Do we really need an example of a Christian? Just look up and you'll see a whole lot of them. ^-^ By the way...I only put those tags on it because I had to. But...you could probably find what I'm talking about in one of those? Um...yeah.

by Anonymous blah blah blah blahhhhhhdidy blah. February 11, 2007

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