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tyj is a phrase used to thank someone for telling you to drink water and take care of yourself. it stands for "thank you jared", jared is a mythical creature who watches over all danganronpa kinnies.

"Stay hydrated and take care of yourselves, everyone!"

by Anonymous3455665678 March 25, 2021

4👍 4👎


The ship between Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu and Peko Pekoyama. It is very wholesome and shipped by a large amount of the Danganronpa fandom.

Person A : I ship Kuzupeko.
Person B : As you should. /lh

by Anonymous3455665678 February 3, 2021

7👍 1👎

weo disease

weo disease: definition: weo disease (we-o di-ss-ee-ase)
1. someone who cannut speww cowwectwy to save theiw wife;

Da stages of weo disease incwude:
Stage 1 “I am siting on da chaiw”
Stage 2 “I am sattign on teh chai”
Stage 3 “Iam situfng ont eh chauow”
Stage 4 “yiam suwtibng ont jskehe chow”
Stage 5 Unweadabwe

Da disease usuawwy spweads fwom pewson to pewson, and thewe’s nu knuwn cuwe.

pewson 1: “i cjaknt du anthbing”
pewson 2: “u haz da weo disease dawg oh shit” :3

by Anonymous3455665678 March 3, 2021

1👍 2👎

leo disease

definition: leo disease (le-o di-ss-ee-ase)
1. someone who cannot spell correctly to save their life;

The stages of leo disease include:
Stage 1 “I am siting on the chair”
Stage 2 “I am sattign on teh chai”
Stage 3 “Iam situfng ont eh chauor”
Stage 4 “yiam surtibng ont jskehe chor”
Stage 5 Unreadable

The disease usually spreads from person to person, and there’s no known cure.

person 1: “i cjaknt du anthbing”
person 2: “u have the leo disease dawg oh shit”

by Anonymous3455665678 February 9, 2021