Rhyming slang for "dick!"
A female chick is pretty self-explanatory, but a male chick is essentially a juvenile rooster, or cock!
The meanest motherfucker of the Marvel Multiverse.
Kang The Conqueror is slated to be the next big villain in the MCU and is expected to be a bigger threat to Marvel's heros than Thanos. While the full extent of his power is yet to be seen, it is known that he has numerous variants of himself scattered across different dimensions.
A clever play on "cold brew", the coffee style. Describes a team, especially one that is a ragtag bunch, that becomes a force to be reckoned with in times of great need.
The Avengers, the Guardians Of The Galaxy, and the X-Men are all examples of a bold crew.
The only substance in the world capable of dissolving gold!
Aqua regia is a powerful mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids whose name means "royal water" in Latin. It gets its name from it being strong enough to dissolve the "king of metals" - gold.
Fun fact: in Russian, "aqua regia" translates to "Tsar vodka!"
A promiscuous female. A prostitute.
See also slut, whore, tramp, hooker, call girl, lady of the night, hussy, trollop, chippy, floozy, tart.
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-delivered by a drab.
Shakespeare. "Macbeth." Act 4.1.
Male donkeys jack off. Female donkeys jenny off.
The name of the boundary between Colombia and Panama and effectively North and South America. It is the most dangerous natural border in the world, with dense jungles, rugged terrain, and unpredictable flash floods being a big reason why there is still no road connecting the two continents. Crazier still, this continental barrier has existed since prehistoric times, having formed when North America became connected to South America via the Panama land bridge, allowing people and animals to migrate south. But despite the dangers anyone who attempts to cross from Colombia to Panama on foot will face, thousands of desperate migrants still risk their lives to make the treacherous crossing each year, hoping to eventually make it to the States.
The Darien Gap is behind only the Korean DMZ and the former Berlin Wall in terms of being the most dangerous borders in the world.