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Shortened form of the word "Progressive". Usually used by U.S. Conservatives and Libertarian groups on twitter and tik-tok as a derogatory word to describe politicians and policy of the Democratic Party and politicians in their own parties that seem to align towards the Democratic Party, especially in regards to Democratic policies the right sees as elitist and weakening the United States domestically and internationally.

It came about due to millennial and GenZ right wingers being annoyed and confused by the baby-boomer minded right calling what they perceive to be authoritarian policies as "liberal"

Person 1: "Nancy Pelosi is also getting rich off insider trading while shipping jobs to our enemies and telling the middle class that it's patriotic to suffer under inflation"
Person 2: "She's a Prog who would have her opposition imprisoned if she could get away with it"

by Anopastapus March 14, 2022

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