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Jack Kelly

The lead character and star in the movie Newsies. Played by Christian Bale. The leader of the Manhattan Newsies, as well as the newsboys strike of 1899 (fictionally). His co-leader being David Jacobs, and is aided in selling by Dave's younger brother Les. Sings the song Santa Fe, and in the end coupls with the character of Sarah Jacobs, the sister of the Jacobs brothers (Sarah is often the least favorite character of many newsie fans). His arch enimy, and the man he is constantly running away from is the Warden Snyder.

In the movie Jack lies and says his mother and father had gone to Santa Fe and when they found a place to stay they were going to send for him. The reality of the situation though was that his mother was killed, and his father was in jail. He also lies about his name as well, his real name being Francis Sullivan.

"Santa Fe are you there? Do you swear you won't forget me?"
"Youse guys gotta be Am-bastards!"

Jack Kelly: "Guess I can't be somethin' I ain't."
Dave: "What a scab?"
Jack Kelly: "Naw, smart."

by Antha Thropp August 14, 2006

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