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Rabid hater

The polar opposite of a rabid fan.

Unlike rabid fans though, rabid haters spend most of their time harassing (people) rather than praising (them) by creating anti-stamps, groups and forums dedicated to hating on the person, book, TV show, etc. they’re targeting. It’s mostly done to make them feel better about themselves or (rarely) attract people with similar opinions they can rant with or to.

Rabid haters are obsessive and often violent, which is another trait they share with rabid fans. Rabid haters will refuse to accept an opinion different than theirs, as they often start online flame wars by raiding fan-clubs of someone (or something) they’re after.

Person 1: I’m not a big fan of Paul’s videos, I prefer Tom’s over his.

Rabid hater: SHUT UP! I HATE TOM AND SO SHOULD YOU! His videos are obnoxious and boring, he’s a waste of oxygen. I hope he dies, he should stop inhaling the same air as me.

by Anthony Clover October 5, 2020

Rabid fan

An overprotective and/or obsessive fangirl or fanboy of a celebrity, game, TV show etc. that can’t handle criticism directed at it. Will get mad, or at times even violent if disagreed with. Disagreement will most likely result in insults typed in CAPS LOCK and lots of spam on your page.

Rabid fans share a few similar traits with rabid haters, despite being the polar opposites of them. Both are obsessive of and biased about the subject they love/hate.

Person 1: I’m not a big fan of Minecraft. It’s mediocre at best.
Rabid fan: How dare you say such things? Minecraft is the best game ever. If you disagree you’re most definitely a butthurt Fortnite kid. Get back to playing your crappy game, cringe 2010s kid.

by Anthony Clover October 3, 2020