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A stressful disorder. You constantly feel like your forgetting something, even when you've checked things over multiple times. Everything you do has to be perfect and any minor flaw ruins the entire "image". You have to fix little things like for example, if 10 cans are lined up, and one is slightly out of place, you HAVE to fix it or otherwise the thought of that can being messed up will knaw at you until you fix it. You'll leave home and remember you left something turned on or left something on its charger, and you'll have a complete panic attack. Trust me, it sucks, I'm 13 and have OCD. I wake up at 2am sometimes and feel like i HAVE to clean the kitchen or I wont be able to sleep. Please don't make fun of it or underestimate it.

Guy 1-Where's Timmy?

Guy 2-He left his bedroom light on at home and he had to go back an turn it off.

Guy 1-Wow, OCD must SUCK.

by Anti Cookie-Cutter June 3, 2011

208👍 31👎

Demi Lovato

A girl who is beautiful and perfect just the way she is. All you urban dictionary haters have constantly made fun of her hair, smile, teeth, voice, etc., and that is just a cruel thing to do.
How would you feel if stupid people posted crap about you online?
Or made fun of you for being in rehab because you are trying to fix your problems, is that something that should be fun of? NO.
Part of the reason why she is in rehab is probably because of people like you! She should have a right to love herself just like you guys!

She is beautiful and talented, she may have her flaws, but so does everyone else on this planet.

Person 1-Hey look at that girl, shes beautiful!
Person 2- Yeah, she looks like Demi Lovato!

by Anti Cookie-Cutter June 4, 2011

86👍 108👎