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On April 2022 Anti GachaFall & Sherbase finally announced the fall and disband of UTTP. They have been kiked by Anti GachaFall and Xx itz Lee xX. Lee is the only leader of A.G.F while sherbase leads uttp. Sherbase announced the fall of UTTP aswell as the community after a series of Attacks from AGF, Anti GachaFall & Much more. Sherbase having tired enough of the karma he had from AGF/Anti GachaFall finally stood up and announced quitting of UTTP. They have lost againts AGF and gacha's which is later very shameful considering they used to say they're weak. Nevertheless Lee proved that Anti Gacha's and uttp can be known as weak soft hearted babies. Whilst the Gacha community whome are known to be soft can be a hard tough community.

Currently Lee also had a side kick known as Day whom also deserve known pride and reknown. They both are the best Dou and currently the hardest to ever argue with.

Person 1: hey do you know uttp?
Person 2: you mean those bunch of skidders that got beated by AGF or Anti GachaFall?

by Anti Gachafall & The Gacha Com April 10, 2022

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Xx itz Lee xX

Xx itz Lee xX is a filipino gachaTuber, He is responsible and the founder of AGF, he was the one that nuked astriodia and Sherbase12 server, So far he's fame throughout agf has been widely spread from the gacha Community to the anti gachas, without Lee the AGF would have never been founded, As the old word saying Goes, TENO HEIKA BANZAI!!!

Damn Xx itz Lee xX surely leads Best

by Anti Gachafall & The Gacha Com November 10, 2020

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Anti Gachafall

Anti Gachafall is the pride and military of the Gacha Community, it is leaded by no other then Xx itz Lee xX, Lee is famous for nuking astriodia and Sherbase12 server, He has nuking and hacking anti gacha servers and channels also terminating them, He is known to be the Gacha Community pride hero

As days go by So does the numbers of the AGF/Anti Gachafall, it's pride doesn't end yet for more journeys will come for it's bitter fight to make Gacha Bigger, Harder And much stronger giving the opportunity of Gachatubers to be safer,

Sherbase12 is aka Shitpiss Clown Boi is having a hard time hacking Gachatubers or aka stealing accounts with this hard work in progress

Today we rise up against UTTP and we shall be known as AGF or Anti Gachafall

by Anti Gachafall & The Gacha Com December 27, 2021

57πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Anti Gachafall

Anti Gachafall is the pride and military of the Gacha Community, it is leaded by no other then Xx itz Lee xX, Lee is famous for nuking astriodia and Sherbase12 server, He has nuking and hacking anti gacha servers and channels also terminating them, He is known to be the Gacha Community pride hero

As days go by So does the numbers of the AGF/Anti Gachafall, it's pride doesn't end yet for more journeys will come for it's bitter fight to make Gacha Bigger, Harder And much stronger giving the opportunity of Gachatubers to be safer,

Sherbase12 is aka Shitpiss Clown Boi is having a hard time hacking Gachatubers or aka stealing accounts with this hard work in progress

Anti Gachafall was officially declared a clan on November 2020

Today, we rise up againts uttp, And we shall be known as AGF or Anti Gachafall

by Anti Gachafall & The Gacha Com December 28, 2021

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a clown wannabe uttp users. they are the most autism kids on the internet, they do "hacks!!1!!" and raiding to think it's funny on Discord. with faked records like 600 "servers" nuked, funny how they say it's true but then again, they're all being idiots.

Hey UTL idiots, how does it feel being autism on the internet doing bullshit raids and nuking? still trying to do what uttp and shitbitch used to do back in 2019-2020? aweh i almost wanna feel bad. But then again fuck you lol,

UTL!!1!!!!!!1 IM AUTISTIC!!1!!!1!!

by Anti Gachafall & The Gacha Com September 6, 2022

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UTL are a bunch of wanna be UTTP users. how? we'll let's say this for a fact, they worship someone named PepaxMax, probably a wanna be tommyparky (idiots lol), and another fact they act like 'nutdestroyer' is their God, probably a wannabe sherbase. the thing is they are much more shit. instead of going after youtube channels they go after disocrd servers since they cannot hack nor prove it in anyway, they feed the youtube algorithm with their nukings, listen here faggots. if you don't have a life irl just go eat grass and you'll be ok. they faked as many servers they 'nuked'? don't believe me? anyone can make any servers, add their own people there and they would make it look large, hell they could just add as many alternative accounts to make look like it has about 1k members, even their server is small as fuck. they have little members so they rely to their alts lol. all i could say that the're actual skids, retards, autistic, faggots.


by Anti Gachafall & The Gacha Com September 6, 2022

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AGF / Anti Gacha Fall is the cause or the reason of the downfall of uttp and sherbase. Their leader is no other the Lee. He goes on by many names like "X x itz Lee x X", "Chocopup" He manipulated many Anti Gachas thinking he was on their side and he was a bait channel. But many fell for it aswell as his traps. He is a master of arguments and doesn't care or give a single 2 souls about anyone that tells him about something.

It was first made up of members of his alt counts but after a few decades or ages it became popular. They protect and serve gacha communisties such as "Genshin", "Gacha club" any kind of Gacha games honestly.

UTTP officers: Hey kid you should go ***
AGF: What did you say? "Reports them secretly and argues with them until they pee their pants"

by Anti Gachafall & The Gacha Com April 9, 2022

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