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A race supremacist, settler-colonialist, that follows the political ideology that hijacked judaism.

Founded by atheist ashkenazi in 1897 (there's no such thing as atheist jews, if you don't believe in god, you're not jewish), zionism was originally supported by the antisemitic British government of the early 1900's, who wanted to push European jews out of the UK and Europe and send them to the middle east.

Of course many European jews including rabbis, were against being sent to the middle east and saw zionism as an antisemitic movement.

Modern terrorism was created by zionist jews, introducing the letter bomb & plane hijacking but do not blame all jews for the crimes of the zionists; judaism and zionism are diametric opposites & there are more christian zionists than jewish zionists.

Today you can also blame christian zionists for what is happening in Israel, christian zionists are pro-Israel and antisemitic; they have a powerful pro-Israel lobby in the USA that keeps pushing the US govt. to fund Israel.

Christian zionists believe when all jews go to Israel, the messiah will return, slaughter two-thirds of the jews there and give an ultimatum to the surviving jews; convert to christianity or spend eternity in hell.

Still to this day there are many anti-zionist jews who see Europe as their home land, not the middle east and the support for zionism among today's younger jews is declining, along with an increasing number of jews leaving Israel, unhappy with the occupation, genocide and apartheid of the indigenous population (Palestinians).

Unfortunately christian zionist numbers are on the increase due to far right extremism. You will see christian zionists waving Israeli flags at far-right political rallies while at the same time wearing antisemitic slogans on their t-shirts.
Christian zionism goes back 300 years, started by millenarian protestants, it was the inspiration for jewish zionism and some will even argue the roots of christian zionism can be traced back to the Crusades when you had christians fighting for the holy land.

by Antizionist jew October 6, 2023

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