One who studies and creates verbs from words such as adjectives or nouns.
Example of a verbist
For example from the word "alligator" you can create the verb "to alligatorize" which means to make someone or something resemble or acquire the features of an alligator.
Synonymhood: the quality or condition of being synonym, all synonysms put together.
The English language has a very large synonymhood.
The racism in the opposite way than usually known, a racism against the people that live in their own nation, in favour of foreigners who do not come from that nation but live there.
Use in a sentence:
My brother can not beg for money in front of the supermarket while the black people can do it, this is counterracism!
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The quantity that a bird can take in its bill or beak : a beakful.
Use in a sentence:
The sparrow was very hungry but it could only take little billfuls of seeds at a time because of its small bill.
Respected, admired and appreciated by most people: well-thought-of, well-regarded.
Use in a sentence:
The president is a very well-looked-up-to person because of many good deeds he has done over the course of his presidency.
An unkind way for calling or labeling a person of the millennial generation.
Use in a sentence:
Those jinxennials are worse than us when we were their age, they have a bad attitude, they can not find a job, and they do not have the same opportunities we once had.