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The Word Ricepiece...sings to meh!its like philamonic orcestral ambience..derivitives of...shitbox,cornhole,BrownButton,chocolate wisway,shitpipe,anusss,choc fudge maker,

"After i had a shit this morning my ringpiece was singing like pavorotti on cocaine"gonna have a turd in the forest,got no poo tickets(bog roll)Oooh well,i`ll have to make sure its a clean pinch so i dont get ringrash!(chefs arse)cure..cornflour or talc powder!dangle berry`s on me poowr ringpiece..

by Anton von ton June 5, 2004

11👍 31👎


means grub,food,nosebag etc....

damn that was a fine bit of baggin!

by Anton von ton June 6, 2004

5👍 29👎

bitch piss

a tasty tasting beverage for your own pet doggy,also a term for weak lager

Kimmy,will you stop polishing all that bitch piss up off the beach and......that beers like bitch piss....Making love in a canoo,fOOkin close to water!..

by Anton von ton June 5, 2004

6👍 31👎


love trunchen,battle club,purple headed warrior,wiberforce,wicket,fish stick,fat spanner,love meat...

Hey baby,wanna chew on me fuck meat!

by Anton von ton June 5, 2004

20👍 96👎


Is produced within ones brown button,the process take weeks,once the cheese is ready for harvest,the recipient munches a ladys lettice..then swiftly deposting the grand mound of dairy goodness on a posh chez long or brass buffet.

Matron,the chesse is ready for sampling,crack open the ritz bikkies!

by Anton von ton June 7, 2004

5👍 14👎

love bucket

This is a bird with a fanny rather loose and wide!

Fookin nora pet,i`ll need a plank accross me ass so i dont fall in!you got a reet big love bucket on you!

by Anton von ton June 6, 2004

19👍 47👎