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Exclamation - An expression of frustration or anger. A shorthand for "I wish that Donald Trump would choke to death on a cheeseburger".

Cheeseburger! I lost my car keys again!

by Anyone Buttrump June 25, 2017

8👍 4👎



1) A rabid fan of Donald Trump who frequently tweets
2) A Trump-Loving Bitch

#Tritches be like: you're tripping because your girl Hillary lost and you're just a sad loser.

by Anyone Buttrump June 10, 2017

16👍 7👎


Noun - The act of watching FOX News to obtain talking points which justify one's racist gut inclinations.

This morning, during "Executive Time", President Trump honed his skills of Foxturbation for three hours straight.

by Anyone Buttrump March 9, 2018