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Kazumis are known for their unemotional emo edgy attitude.
Kazumis are a species of human that are emo (I think).

Their cuteness can rage from -10 to infinity+1 depending on how good they are!

Most Kazumis are male and have a lifespan of fetus.

Person: Wow! That Kazumi is hella edgy!

by Appleeq August 2, 2018

9👍 8👎

Trying to get your definition accepted

This is a long one but the name speaks for itself!

Wow I’ve *trying to get your definition accepted* recently

by Appleeq August 2, 2018


the dumbest thing you’ll ever hear of
Oh and they sound like annoying brats

Ew she’s a Tsundere

by Appleeq August 2, 2018

7👍 18👎

Remaking your definition until it’s accepted

Remaking your definition until it’s accepted is exactly that
It is to recreate the same thing again because it didn’t appear and you really want it to

Person:I can’t seem to remaking your definition until it’s accepted

by Appleeq August 2, 2018