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foreign aid

The forced transfer of wealth from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries (after the U.N. scallywags scim off the cream)

Foreign Aid, such as the U.N. Oil for Food Scandal, the largest $ scandal in world history, which rather than feeding the world's starving, lined the pockets of various U.N. pukes, starting with KoffeeKup Anan. It then trickled down to various Socialist mucky-mucks, such as Jacques Chirac ...

by Area Fifty One July 4, 2006

38👍 7👎


Someone who invests your money until it's all gone ...

My aunt inherited some green, but her gutter-dwellin' broker used it all up for Bimmer payments ...

by Area Fifty One July 4, 2006

80👍 23👎