Arsa Mahendra will forever belong to Arfabian. Even though we are separated and become strangers, Arsa Mahendra will still be Arfabian's eternal love.
Arfabian loves Arsa Mahendra the most. i love you my lover.
Arsa Mahendra will forever belong to Arfabian. Even though we are separated and become strangers, Arsa Mahendra will still be Arfabian's eternal love.
Arfabian loves Arsa Mahendra the most. i love you my lover.
someone who is sweet, funny, also a bit hot haha. everyone likes to be around you, I hope you are always surrounded by goodness, kept away from sadness. wherever googiemu is goodness will always surround you.
i love you pretty googiemu.
abhim is argha's lover. but everyone also loves abim, whoever abhim wherever abhim will all love abhim. kindness will always surround abhim. compassion, love, caring, sense of calm. all of that abhim will feel and will have for the rest of his life. I hope the universe protects you abhim.