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Race Card

Using your own, or someone else's race to intimidate others into letting someone get away with something inherently bad.

Some Dude: You know, I think those four black people who tortured that Trump supported should be on the death sent---
Some other guy: RACIST!!!!!
Some Dude: Alright man!! Just... calm the effing hell down!
The Inexplicable Third Person: Don't lower your defenses man. He's playin' a race card

by Argeuahble January 18, 2017

40👍 7👎

Teach Rapists Not to Rape

A view held by sjw's and third wave feminists. It basically sums itself up as "Don't teach women to defend themselves, teach rapists not to rape!"

"DAAYum, Helen, you got raped?"
"Yeah. When I posted that on facebook some dipshit gave me this stupid Teach Rapists Not to Rape speech."
"Wow. Does that fall under victim shaming or just being an asshat?"

by Argeuahble January 18, 2017

3👍 1👎

Mug Buyer

Me. Cause I just bought this awesome Urban Dictionary Definition Mug.

And yes, I did submit this definition to Urban Dictionary just so I could have it on my mug.

Someone: Hey, what does your mug say?
*You show this mug to someone*
Someone: Mug Buyer?

by Argeuahble January 19, 2017

Cis White Male Scum

A term often used by SJW's to immediately ignore someone's criticism of their views. Only applies to Cisgender white males.

White person: That isn't--
SJW FUCK OFF YOU CIS WHITE MALE SCUM! You sure as shit ain't welcome in my safe space!

by Argeuahble January 18, 2017

101👍 32👎