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To do the stupid game Fortnite.

Hey, I was Fortniteting the whole class!

by Ark Bahamut October 17, 2018

Take the L

It is a magical beam that shoots out lasers that looks like the letter L. If you get hit by it you will play Fortnite the rest of your life.

Take the L, Ninja

by Ark Bahamut October 20, 2018

13πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


He is a barbarian who doesn't look like one. People often call him a Skinny Little Bitch.

Legend says that Ronal was born from a bug.

by Ark Bahamut December 18, 2018

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Jack is a DOG
And you are a FLOWER
When Jack lift his LEG UP
He gives you a SHOWER

A dog who always pee on everyone

If you see Jack run away from him, his urine smell will never come off.

by Ark Bahamut October 9, 2018

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A person who stalks people who they love. A sniper has a deadly gun so they can shoot whoever comes near their loved ones

I think that a sniper is stalking me don't come near me!

by Ark Bahamut December 18, 2018


A game 97% of the people in the world play. If you play Fortnite you will not be able to control yourself from playing Fortnite.

I bought 1000 V Bucks in Fortnite. It was totally a waste of money.

by Ark Bahamut October 16, 2018

V Bucks

A stupid play money which everyone wants so badly that they buy too much V Bucks and gets Bankrupted.

Oh my gosh I will have to live in the streets from today because I bought 100000 V Bucks.

by Ark Bahamut October 16, 2018

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