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an internet way of saying "no comment" or a way of ending an argument with not much way for the opponent to continue with it

person 1: i believe that all pedophiles should be killed even if they've only looked at the fictional stuff
person 2: actually they should only be killed if they act on their urges on a real child
person 1: ok

by Arstotzka69420 January 10, 2024


when you cuddle with someone and you cum while doing so

John: hey, should we cuddle?
Amy: yeah let's do it
John: *cums while cuddling*
Amy: did you just do a cummle?

by Arstotzka69420 May 26, 2022

hide and seed

a sexualised version of the children's game "hide and seek", the seeker must find the hider and once found the seeker cums inside them
this game is best played in your own house naked

Person 1: wanna play some hide and seed?
Person 2: sure i'd love to, i'm gonna hide
Person 2: hides
Person 1: 3, 2, 1...
Person 1: ready or knot here i cum

by Arstotzka69420 September 4, 2023