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Danny Stone

The hot, trim fit, tall, son of a bitch, that Ashley Tisdale had a mad crush on, and made sure she got down his pants. The SEXIEST guy that Ashley was with!He actually belives in treating others with respect, hes such a nice caring gorgeous man.unlike zac efron which is another one of ashley tisdales exs whos a prick to his fans. Everything about Danny is sexy, god damn fine, perfect, extreame, and he's even got the gay dudes wanting him.BUT OMG HE'S SO SEXY!!

"Hey, did you see Scary Movie V lastnight?"

"Yeah, sometimes the only reason I watch that movie is to daydream and have fantasies about Danny Stone. He's such a fucking lady killer."
"Would you bone him?"
"What girl wouldn't?"

by Ashley Wadsworth Longpants VII May 4, 2013

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