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Born in France, belonging or relating to France, France's national language. French is a worlwide synonym for classy, elegant, charmant and (together to Italian) fashion and cuisine. French culture has dominated Europe for almost three centuries where nobles - from England to Russia - have spoken French to show their cultural and social high condition. French language is (as Italian, Spanish and others) a neo-latin language. It is also typical diplomacy language, spoken in Switzerland and Belgium (where French is official language) and in Canada too. It's the best known foreign language in Italy, Spain, West Germany (countries near to France and connected with French Culture) and even in Algery, Tunisy, Maroc, many African countries, Madagascar, Liban, Syria, Vietnam, Laos, Haiti (former French colonies) - at least till 1985 - and in French departments (Guyana, Polinese, New Caldonia, Guadaloupe, many Caribbean countries etc.). Even in Eastern Europe during Cold War, French - after Russian - was preferred as international language. French is still the 5th or 6th more spoken language in the world and a reference point (different from anglo-american one but not opposing to) for all free and educated people.

I love Paris, french capital.
French is so a fashinating language.
She is so classy, she speaks perfectly French.
French and Italian people consider themselves like cousins.

by Aspera33 January 1, 2008

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