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prison lube

Warm spit and/or the shitty residue left in a man's anus after taking an extremely sticky shit.

Hey, Tyrone. Earl raped you using prison lube, you bitch nigga.

by Assex 776 August 30, 2007

29πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

david allen coe

sometimes spelled as David Allan Coe

country singer-songwriter who peaked in the late 1970s

personified outlaw country music with tattoos, ear rings, long hair and a connection to motorcycle gangs

Coe served time in an Ohio state prison

wrote the song Take This Job and Shove It, which became a #1 hit in 1978 as covered by Johnny Paycheck

wrote several racist, sexist and homophobic (the trifecta of anti-liberalism - yet funny) songs released as underground or X-rated albums

his underground album is difficult to find today and rare

among his underground songs is the classic "Fvck Anita Bryant"

"They tell me I look like Merle Haggard, but sound a lot like David Allen Coe," Longhaired Redneck (1976)

David Allan Coe is one of the funniest racists in country music.

If you think Ice Cube is OK but hate the lyrics of David Allen Coe, you're a hypocrite.

by Assex 776 October 30, 2007

120πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Infernal Revenue Service, etc.

A satanic cabal of bureaucrats that believes in plundering the wealth of taxpayers to fund projects like the ghetto school program, Iraq reconstruction and other forms of income redistribution from the middle class to the government.

One of the last remaining remnants of socialism in an otherwise free-market economy.

Was christened (originally the "Bureau of Revenue") in 1913 along with the Federal Reserve. See 16th Amendment of the US Constitution. Ratified by 38 states and signed into law by Republican William Howard Taft, who came in third place in the 1912 elections (behind Democrat Woodrow Wilson and Bull Moose candidate Teddy Roosevelt).

Quite possibly deepened the Great Depression of the 1930s, which was much worse than the economic depressions of the 19th Century.

Federal income tax had been ruled unconstitutional two times earlier by the Supreme Court in the late 1800s.

First set at less than 5% under the administration of Abraham Lincoln in 1862, and was voluntarily abandoned by the feds after the Civil War (imagine that today).

The marketplace giveth, and the IRS taketh away.

It's impossible to get out of child support, subsidized student loans, state taxes and federal obligations to the IRS.

The IRS is taking 15% of grandma's Social Security check, because she won too many bingo games.

by Assex 776 September 15, 2007

260πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


1-A teenage boy who gets cornholed in prison by an adult man

2-A form of music that used to be relevant 20 plus years ago but is now more about look than attitude

1-"Nigga, you be my punk. Now bend over," Tookie Williams, RIP

2-The Ramones and the Misfits were extremely energetic, exciting, hard rock bands that were punk rock without even having to try hard at all.

Any band where the singer wears a sweater or clothes he bought at the mall and sings about 11 y/o girls and/or breaks into a rap in the middle of the song is a mall punk and not to be taken seriously by anyone over the age of 15.

by Assex 776 September 30, 2007

27πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Buck O'Neil

Manager of the Kansas City Monarchs baseball team.

A man who defined class, honor and integrity in a world that is often vacuous and unfair to great men

Buck O'Neill had the kind of character that would have made him an excellent choice to be the first black President of the United States.

by Assex 776 October 3, 2007

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

prison handles

The flab or fatback flap on the back of a male prison rape victim. It is used as a handle for gay anal sex.

An insulting name for a sissy fat guy.

I raped that fat white boy. I grabbed him on his prison handles and fukked his ass raw.

Come here and let me pimp slap you, prison handles.

by Assex 776 August 30, 2007

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Eddie Vedder

A San Diego-based rock star/surfer who took over the helm of the moribund, Seattle, grunge band Mother Love Bone and turned it into the mega-platnum, hit machine Pearl Jam in 1991.

Sang on the album Ten which was one of the five most influential albums of the 1990s (along with Nirvana's Nevermind, Dr Dre's the Chronic, Alice in Chains' Facelift and Slayer's Seasons in the Abyss)

Is an example of a good yuppie - rich but cares about the environment, ending racism/sexism/homophobia and electing liberal Democrats to office.

Used to swing from the rafters like Tarzan and give free concerts like the Day on the Green in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1992. (I was there).

"I'm Eddie Vedder, and I care about the environment."

Thousands of sexy chicks cheer and throw their panties on the stage.

by Assex 776 September 15, 2007

146πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž