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who hurt you

A condescending phrase used to imply that whatever personal bias you have is inherently improper and invalidates your argument, and thus absolves the person using the phrase of actually having to argue legitimately (99% of the time due to them having no debate skills, composure, and the mentality of a five year-old.

Part of the larger family of phrases/retardation that idiots use to try and hide their lack of debate skills/fact checking. Right up there with some dumbass making a general statement with no sources or validity, someone calling them out and asking for such, and said person saying along the lines of “OMG I’m gonna act so offended/stupeified you want actual proof that I hope everyone else paying attention glosses over the fact I’m conveniently doing this to avoid looking like a retard!” Instead of giving said proof (because they have none).

Popular on places filled with pseudointellectuals, retards, and cuckolds i.e. reddit.com

Functioning person: I believe women should be held to the same standard as men when it comes to sentencing for crimes, and that divorce courts are hideously biased against men along with the statistics to prove it.

Reddit phaggot: who hurt you??? Incel! Orange man bad! I’m telling my wife’s boyfriend!

by Assey McGee January 20, 2019

653👍 344👎


The biggest fucking dump you;ve ever seen in your life.

"Wow, I went to Snow White's on the wildwood boardwalk. What a shitbomb!

by Assey McGee December 18, 2022


The company that created the most basic bitch videogame chair currently in existence. The pink bunny one that everyone who gets it thinks it makes them stand out when in reality quite literally every girl on social media has it.

Girl streamer: Hey guys I got something new and exciting that I know you've never seen before, take a look at my autofull pink bunny chair! Now go ahead and flatter me on how unique I am simps!
Simps: We may donate our minimum wage paychecks to you in the nonexistent hope of getting laid, but even we aren't that bad!

by Assey McGee August 24, 2021

1👍 1👎


Involuntary celibate.

AKA the new age hipster way to call someone a virgin.

Despite people trying to malign the definition to include people who don’t like/call women out on their bullshit, the fact remains that if you have had sex (or even a relationship) at any point in your life you cannot be an incel.

Redditor 1: I can’t get laid! Women suck! Reee!
Guy 1: Dude you sound like an incel! Cut it out you’re embarrassing me by proxy!
Guy 2: Man, I caught my gf of 2 years cheating on me with some miscer, so I got one last fuck, dumped that whore and told her to fuck off.

Redditor 2: Wow fucking incel!
Guy 1: Hey retard, he’s not a virgin, therefore he can’t be an incel. Also, his gf was a cheating asshole so she deserved to be insulted for it.

by Assey McGee April 12, 2019

318👍 238👎


The act of stalking a person's various saved documentation (such as social media, film reels, leaked recording in private settings etc.) in a quest to find something offensive and frivolous they may have said at any point in the past, regardless of what age or personal growth said person may have gone through since the time of. Disproportionately utilized against people who have made some kind of name for themselves in some way, shape or form since no one cares if Joe Nobody ever said something dumb.

Man 1: Josh Allen said the n-word on twitter back in 2012 when he a junior in high school! What a totally racist asshole!

Man 2: Dude, EVERYONE has said stupid shit at some point in their life, ESPECIALLY high schoolers! I'm not going to chastise someone for something obviously nonsensical they said as a dumb kid, where the only difference is that he was unfortunate enough to say it in a place that saves everything as opposed to normal face to face conversation. Especially when it's totally a coincidence it only came out after he became famous. Quit birching and get a real fucking hobby.

Sean Schemmel: Vic Mignogna's a homophobic piece of shit!
Dragonball fans: Hey Sean care to say anything about that leaked audio of you saying a homophobic slur while doing Goku's voice like 10 times in 9 seconds?
Sean Schemmel's: Hey that's not fair, this stuff is only valid when I'M not the one getting birched!!!

by Assey McGee August 29, 2019

19👍 11👎

the mlb

A hilariously grammatically improper way to refer to major league baseball. Used solely by idiots on reddit in another circlejerk attempt to act like they’re smarter or superior to everyone else (when in reality everyone laughs at them).

Fan: I wonder what the punishment for Bryce Harper being caught using steroids is gonna be?
Redditor cuck: The MLB has suspended him for two games on account of Rob Manfred has sex with him.

Fan: Why do you refer to MLB as “the MLB?”

Redditor cuck: you couldn’t understand simpleton.

Fan: I understand it’s grammatically retarded yet you and your loser friends keep saying it. No wonder everyone points and laughs at you guys.

by Assey McGee May 22, 2019

42👍 14👎