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Trello, usually said I chat messages, as an alternative to Hello.

The word itself is not in any dictionaries, or is even considered slang, yet can sometimes be seen in chat messages as a simple, and informal way of saying Hello, or Hey (often Hello).

*Trello is not a real word, this is just a joke, don't take it seriously!

Trello, how r u?

by Astronomyst June 1, 2022

1👍 17👎


Brang is used in English as the past simple form of Bring, except the word isn't accepted in some dictionaries brang and sometimes brung (past form of brang) are widely considered to be non-standard, with the correct form being Brought.

Yet In some dialects, the past tense of the verb “bring” is “brang,” and/or “brung” but in standard English, both varients brang and brung are somewhat common throughout the U.S and Canada, but they are considered out of place formal writing.

He Brang his toy car to school

by Astronomyst June 1, 2022


Brang is the dialect and nonstandard past and past participle of bring. Brang has never been accepted as a word in dictionaries, but it is commonly spoken in English. The correct form according to dictionaries is Brought.
Although Brand and sometimes Brung are not recognized by many dictionaries, they are considered nonstandard and are considered slang, and not real words.

He brang his shovel

by Astronomyst June 1, 2022


Snollygoster, a word for "an unprincipled but shrewd person," is thought to be derived from the word 'snallygaster', which is used to describe a mythical creature from rural Maryland that is half reptile and half-bird.

your such a Snollygoster

by Astronomyst June 1, 2022


There are a few ways to use this slang, verbal, or in adjective form.

Quagmire is a fictional character from the American animated television series Family Guy. He is best known for his hypersexuality and his catchphrase, "Giggity" and "Giggity-Giggity".

Usually "Giggity", the lone word, refers to something sexual, while "Giggity-Giggity" is usually referred to intercourse itself, or a subject similar. Although the difference between the two phrases isn't different, only the fact that one word is repeated twice while the other isn't, They both have a different context.

-Giggity: Usually used to describe something that is sexy or hot
-Giggity-Giggity: Usually said when talking about intercourse or a very similar topic

*Of course, like everything else on this website, this is just a joke, Giggity isn't a real word.

P1: Damn look at her1
P2: Giggity


by Astronomyst June 1, 2022


a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard.

he opened the door

by Astronomyst June 1, 2022


This word is defined to describe a player, for instance, if your teammate manages to carry the team, save a player, and win the game. He would be 'Superfacialisticnopaloticallyyunsupervisallyuntouchable'.

Although it isn't in the dictionary, it is considered SLANG, such as bruh or yeet.

*Of course, like anything else on this site, this is a big joke, yes you are allowed to say this word, but it isn't really a real word.

our forward player was so Superfacialisticnopaloticallyyunsupervisallyuntouched this round!

by Astronomyst June 1, 2022