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Vladimir Putin- struck with peyronie's disease as a small child, he grew into a piece of shit kbg thug and literally stole billions from the Russian people. A chicken shit bully who uses the same cold war threat of nuclear weapons as his worthless military dies on the battlefield. Not only is Putin incompetent at every level of life, he helped his only ally on earth, trump, to win the 2016 election. Now, Putin has invaded Ukraine after given the green light by trump, and can't even get his fucking failure of a military to anything other than die, quit, abandon all hardware, and run back to the Russian border. Putin's little ego has been crushed so he continues to threaten Ukraine with nukes. This could possibly ignite a nuclear exchange with NATO, you know (the organization that trump, a sniveling, spoiled, entitled, dotard) wanted to withdraw from lol Putin has fucked Russia to the point of collapse as many Russians are beginning to realize. Putin can't even get laid because of his condition so he jerks his crooked prick to Melania pics, trumps cyborg fuck bag. In the end, Putin will face a lonely, sad end to his shit bag life. The end.

Why does Putin's military only target civilians?

Because they aren't successful Putin it to the war fighters of Ukraine!

by Asymmetric shits for trump September 30, 2022

Turd hustler

Bottom feeders.
The GOP.
Maga Cultists.

5 of the 9 SCOTUS justices.
Trump's fucktard children.
The entire state of Florida.
Tucker Swanson Carlson.
Conspiracy theories.
U.S. Postal Service.
Vladimir the Coward Putin.

Ukrainian civilian: Here comes the Russian Army!

Ukrainian soldier: Fuck those turd hustlers!

Insurectionist: Oh we invaded the Capitol on Jan. 6 and posted it all over social media because cheeto baby jesus told us to!
FBI agent: What a bunch of turd hustlers...

by Asymmetric shits for trump October 20, 2022


A fictional character who is the figure head of the Christian faith. One of 4,200 religions here on planet earth. There is absolutely no historical evidence at all that he ever existed. None. Jesus didn't die on a cross as it is physically impossible to nail a human to a crucifix and that human defeat gravity. Jesus was not born without his father impregnating his mother, that is completely impossible and goes against anything science and medicine tells the human race today. Jesus and his cultists do not believe in science or medicine. Logic and common sense are also viewed as an attack on "faith" which allows his followers, especially here in the States of America, to cry and bitch about ANYONE who disagrees with their infantile bullshit. Jesus was invented so that Christians could control other humans, especially women. This is also a common thread in almost all religions which not only degrade women, it allows wars to be fought in his name killing millions of non combatants and blaming other religions for being somehow wrong. Catholics use Jesus to rape and sexually assault under age boys by the tens of thousands while their supposed conduit to "heaven" turns a blind eye to the cancer. They would rather murder women for getting an abortion than stop all of the pedophiles infesting their church. Jesus is also a grift for churches here in the States of America.

Soldier 1: Oh man, that was a close one! That almost hit me!

Soldier 2: Jesus fucking christ that was close!

Some zealot: Do you have Jesus in your heart?

Poor bastard: No it's blood. Who the fuck is Jesus?!

Joel Osteen: Jesus has a plan for you!
My asshole: Joel, go fuck yourself you goddamn Jesus grifter!!

by Asymmetric shits for trump September 29, 2022


An entitled white piece of sloppy shit who fails at every goddamn thing they attempt in life. A trump can take over an entire political party and transform it into a fascist cult who brags about starting a civil war. Trumps can't read or write and attack anything that isn't a white male. It takes vast amounts of money for a trump to get laid, usually resulting in cyborg fuck bags who can't speak American lol A trump can kill an entire democracy while aligned with the world's most popular communist. A true trump takes credit for others success and cries more than a fucking newborn about how much of a coward they are.

Where can we find Hillary's email server?
It has to be at a trump property.

Are there any other attorneys left on the east coast?
Nope. They are being recruited by trump.

by Asymmetric shits for trump October 4, 2022


The new republican cult under the spell of cheeto baby jesus eunuch.

You don't have hair on your balls if you don't like trump!
Well I am a eunuch! lol

by Asymmetric shits for trump October 5, 2022

Marjorie Taylor Green

A junior "congresswoman" from Georgia who has been stripped of power because she is a clueless cunt. Believes in the asinine conspiracy theories of Qanon and professional sycophant of cheeto baby jesus. Not only is she a twisted fuck who supports fascism, she pretends to actually know the meaning of big words like socialism, patriotism, economics, American history, debating, constitution, 2nd Amendment, constituents, and religion. An embarrassing attempt at representing an uneducated district, she has done nothing in congress but make a complete fucking ass of herself and the cult party she so desperately wants approval from. She betrays herself an NRA puppet who fantasizes killing Americans who are liberal when in reality couldn't hit water if she fell out of a boat. Her incompetents has now become legendary in American politics and will go down in history as a total failure and permanent shit stain of a human being.

Marjorie Taylor Green: Come out of your office and face me AOC! I want to know why you support abortion!

Camera man: I believe she is hiding in there!

Wall speaker: Say hello to my little friend! Boom!

Rioter 1: Quick! Deploy the Marjorie Taylor Green!

Rioter 2: I'm having trouble aiming the thing!
Rioter 1: Stop pointing it at me dude!

Rioter 2: It's not working!
Rioter 1: I can't read the instructions!
Rioter 2: Just press that red button...

by Asymmetric shits for trump September 29, 2022

46πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Under capitalism, it's when corporate America price gouges it's consumers and then, out of complete stupidity, has the right wing cult blame the sitting president for the fuck up that is Donald the Dotard Trump...

Wow Biden doesn't know who to run the country. This inflation is out of control.

Yeah but not only did fucktard trump crash it in 2019, his cult followers blame democrats. You know, the only party that's had strong economies after Republicans pushed us into recession. You know, fucking facts you can research rather than just believing in facebook...

by Asymmetric shits for trump October 18, 2022

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž