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Nice guy, with good ideas. Often called "Jeebus" in jest. Stressed kindness and forgiveness towards others, and leading an all-around good, virtuous life. One of the most interesting philosophical thinkers in history, and certainly one of the most quoted. Also, as seen on urbandictionary.com, he's apparently a lot of people's homeboys.
I'm not sure if he necessarily wanted his followers to condemn other faiths, or tell people that "If you don't believe in God, you'll burn in Hell, and I don't want that, so please please please believe in God", as in the case of "Read the bible and learn" who posted an earlier definition. He preached of mankind's free will, so I don't think he wanted that being taken away from us...
Anyways, he was a man who lived a truly moral and virtuous life. Christians see him as a god, non-Christians either see him as a prophet or a moral person who lived a good life, stoners see him...all the time... and UD Christians see him as a "homeboy"

Sweet Zombie Jesus!
Holy Monkey Jeebus!

by Atticus April 24, 2005

1293πŸ‘ 2120πŸ‘Ž


The belief that all governments are evil, corrupt, self-serving, blah blah blah, and should be abolished.

Anarchism is founded on the ideal that humans will cooperate peacefully without government or any authority whatsoever, and won't be tempted to, oh, I don't know, say...take whatever they want or kill whoever they want without repercussion, as there would be no codes in place to stop them other than "Killing is mean, we should work together blah blah blah".

Simply put, it won't work. It's an extremely naive form of idealism (but hey, aren't ALL forms of idealism pretty much naive?) Anyone with a decent education or understanding of life will see the glaring flaw: People for the most part will NOT work together in some great harmonious being filled with sunshine and puppy dogs and flowers. When order is removed, it's natural human instinct to revert back to the "Look out for number one" line of thought. After all, in a lawless, government-less world, you look out for yourself and your family only to survive. Anyone else is a liability, a threat, and a drain on your resources that keep you and your family going.

There can be no society without rules. Any person who has common sense will form rules and codes to ensure the survival of the group, if there is a group. These groups become settlements/towns, and these rules become laws. Thus government is born anew.

If it were a perfect world, anarchism might work. But then again, if it were a perfect world, most other governments and religions would work just as well. As we all know, it's not a perfect world, and won't ever BE a perfect world. Anarchism is naiveity, I don't care HOW many "thumbs down" I get for saying it.

Anarchism is a game at which the police can beat you. (George Bernard Shaw)

When they come downstairs from their Ivory Towers, Idealists are very apt to walk straight into the gutter.
(Logan Pearsall Smith)

by Atticus January 5, 2006

41πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


A sword, similiar in design to a katana, wielded not only by samurai, but by "non-warrior" class people who were forbidden by law to wear a longsword. The wakazashi has a shorter blade than a katana, usually ranging from 12-23 inches in length.

Should a samurai's katana break in combat, or if the samurai needed an offhand weapon, he would usually carry a wakazashi as a back-up.

by Atticus October 31, 2004

13πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

antiwar protestor

1- One whose personal philosophy is that a certain war, or war in general is immoral and wrong, and openly expresses his/her contempt for war. Not all anti-war protesters are irritating, whiny Bush-bashers...some, but not all. (spelled "anti-war protester")

2- A phrase that can cause people to get into large, pointless shouting/swearing matches against one another.

The anti-war protesters gathered in front of the Capitol to express their feelings about the war.

by Atticus July 9, 2004

74πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


when you write FLASHBANG on a piece of paper, hand it to someone and once they read it you shank them.

DUDE I GAVE KEVIN A FLASHBANG then we shanked the shit outa him. o man it got everywhere....

by Atticus February 20, 2005

14πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


An online diary, usually by teens that:

-complain about their life
-say how much their life sucks
-claim that they want to die
-advertise how special they are
-showoff they're special too, like everyone else
-contains VERY bad web design

Go visit her xamga, she's threatening to kill herself again!

by Atticus July 12, 2003

20πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


A sword, similiar in design to a katana, wielded not only by samurai, but by "non-warrior" class people who were forbidden by law to wear a longsword. The wakazashi has a shorter blade than a katana, usually ranging from 12-23 inches in length.

Should a samurai's katana break in combat, or if the samurai needed an offhand weapon, he would usually carry a wakazashi as a back-up

by Atticus November 1, 2004

325πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž