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a name my white friend came up with when pretending to be black

*friend in a hurry to think up name*


by Atticus Finch July 7, 2015

4πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Boo Radley

A Radley that yells "Boo."

Ol' Boo Radley never came out of his house.

by Atticus Finch June 12, 2003

21πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


Perhaps the funniest and most original poster message boards have seen or ever will see. His humor and wit ride the knife's edge between brilliance and insanity. It is rumored that he holds several degrees ranging from BA, BBA, BS, MA, MFA, PhD, JD, DVM and even MD. The question remains Ҁ“ if he does have as an expansive education as he appears to why does he waste his time posting on message boards?

Known aliases ~ billifred, derfillib, duckbill, Guest

Three words: 2600. I guess thatҀ™s not three words. Actually itҀ™s a number. I gotta stop drinking so much vinegar... - billifred

by Atticus Finch January 11, 2005

22πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž