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Fleshlight that cries

A current or former tHoT that laments being unable to have a long term relationship.

Sally: I accrued a bodycount of 87 in my twenties, but every time I mention it now I get ghosted by my date.

Bob: Okay, fleshlight that cries.

by Augustisimus July 27, 2022

2👍 1👎

Every. Single. Time.

Used to draw attention to an obvious connection between those who share their ideology and agenda with the international banking cartel to brazen and overt attacks against the long term sustainability of civilisation.

Bill: I read an article by Joe Schlongberg discussing how your wife should be free to sleep with whoever she wants and you should just support her, no matter how many venereal diseases she contracts.
Harry: Every. Single. Time.

by Augustisimus December 3, 2020

445👍 29👎


Someone who thinks collateral damage is okay as long as it’s the good guys doing it.

Asher: That hospital wouldn’t have been bombed if Hamas didn’t send fighters over the wall. Also, the patients were warned to evacuate.
Richard: Okay, Jewsplainer.

by Augustisimus November 1, 2023

5👍 8👎