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adv: when a person performs an action with such grace and elegance that you can't describe it with the dumb oxford dictionary, you resort to this exquisite word.

MY friend is a pro fencer, he stabs children so sovettely, it's unbelievable.

by Aunt Suzy's Rat January 29, 2022

Kizzy Cap

n: when it's cap, but it's, like, REALLY cap, and you can't believe it's true for the life of you.

Josh: Yo I got in Harvard!
John: Nah that's KIZZy cap bro no way, you got like a 2.0 GPA
Josh: Sheesh bro can't take a joke?

by Aunt Suzy's Rat January 29, 2022


n: someone who refuses to admit that they're wrong or in the wrong, even when they themselves know that they are, because they're too prideful and embarrassed to admit that they're stupid.

v: when someone refuses to admit that they're in the wrong due to pride or stupidity.

n: "Ethan is such a dongledorffe, like just admit you're wrong idiot"
v: "If you keep dongledorffeing, these arguments are never gonna end"

by Aunt Suzy's Rat January 29, 2022


n: it's lmao but the person sending it tries to be funny by spelling out the syllables. Not seen as a 'cool' thing to say.

Josh: yo I beat Jordan 15-0 in basketball yesterday he sucks ass
John: elemayo tru
Josh: u weird bro

by Aunt Suzy's Rat January 30, 2022