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the point when, after smoking till you're high as a kite, you drift off into pass-out mode, the maryjane still slightly emitting a faint cloud around your face

Guy 1: "duudddeeee, haha check out Mark over there--"

Guy 2: "haha, wow he's totally baked-out man. looks like hes soared off to dream-land in his cloud of smoke"

by Aurea Dea February 21, 2011

2👍 1👎

Facebook Party

a period when, while logged onto Facebook, most friends you typically Facebook Chat, as well as those whom you usually wish might Facebook Chat you ; ) , are all online at the same time.

Girl 1: "Jane, whatsup? omg so I love how Abby, Katie, Jessica, and Alyssa are all online right now."

Girl 2: "Ik, right?! Oh, heyy, but so are Brad, Erik, and Sean : )"

Girl 1: "This is a total Facebook Partyyy"

by Aurea Dea February 21, 2011

1👍 4👎