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When a country is the only democratic country in the Middle East that allows Christian’s, Muslims, and Jews to pray and live peacefully. Often even using their own resources to treat and help terrorists that indiscriminately attack and kidnap civilians. They send leaflets before attacking terrorists to protect their own people. It is the only nation standing in the war of another genocide that Hamas and other racist groups want.

Some history…

Israel was the Jewish homeland at least 1000 years before Islam was even created.

The word Palestine was first used by Hadrian and renamed it after he killed many Jews that lived in the area.

Historically philistines that lived in Palestine were Greeks not Arabs.

Before 1948 Jews lived in Israel and attacks on Jews existed before Israel. One example is Hebron massacres which happened in Israel.

1948 Israel accepted a two state solution, the Arabs didn’t and wanted to commit a crime against humanity in the form of a genocide. Every war since has been initiated and lost by the Arabs.

They saved those peoples lives that are horrible people, they had compassion and they Israeled. To go above and beyond

by Aussie88 January 11, 2024

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