real screamo is not finch and the used and thursday and all this light-weight crap we have today. true screamo is much much more than just music,it is a lifestyle and a personal connection. todays so called "screamo" bands suck. just because their little bitch asses scream 5 words in a song doesnt make them a bona-fide screamo band. I like to call them "gay". anyway... sceamo pretty much died in the 90s. the scene is over but some try to live it out. if you like finch and thursday and all that... dont claim to be a screamo kid... it makes people like me want to beat your stupid ass. those bands are emo anyway. If you dont know what it truly is than shut up.
joshua fit for battle, orchid, SAETIA!!!!!!!!, funeral diner, superstitions of the sky, hot cross, now, makara, neil perry, you and i, get fucked, shikari, City of Caterpillar, pg 99, pretty much anything on Level-Plane Records.
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