An animation meme is a trend in the animation community where an animator makes an animation of a character, usually an OC, set to a clip from a song. The original animation is made for the purposes of being mimicked and spread, as a regular meme would. Animation memes are not by default cring, but do tend to spawn a large amount of edgy and cringy content. One takes part in the meme by creating their own animation using their OC, or character of choice, using the same song clip as the original, and giving the animation a similar theme.
Me: Yo Dave did you see that animation meme I sent you?
Dave: Yeah, It made me want to drink bleach.
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A typo of the often overused word cringe where one forgets the E and the end.
Me: Dude, Dave, I got drunk and and for almost and hour spelled cringe cring.
Dave: I know, you were texting me the entire time you were.
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