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George is a very fun guy, he has a childish personality and loves animals. A George is really talented and works fast. He will always be there for his friends, and he is very good looking.

George is so nice

by AvaDaFrog December 14, 2021


A person named Ava who absolutely loves frogs. AvaDaFrog is similar to Ava the frog, but with a twist. AvaDaFrog is a very nice person

What's their gamer tag?

by AvaDaFrog December 14, 2021


If you ever meet an Ava, you must cherish her with all your heart, she is a kind, loving person with a great smile. An Ava sometimes feels bad about herself, but hides it. If you ever meet an Ava, try to cheer her up, and remember to never gossip about her behind her back, because she will find out. Ava is a beautiful girl and will do anything for her freinds

Jorge: Wow who is that
George: That is an Ava!
Jorge: That explains it!

by AvaDaFrog December 14, 2021