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Absolutely 100% perfect

An absolutely 100% perfect person is one whom is hard working, loyal, smart, funny, caring and who doesn’t give up even when life sucks (etc). In this case a he, whom is very dear to my heart and who has displayed every single 100% perfect quality that there is to display. Even his flaws are absolutely perfect. There are very few 100% perfect people in their world and If like me you have one you are indeed a very lucky person.

Greg: Is that Ayden Bascom?

Me: yes, isn’t he absolutely 100% perfect?

by Averygoodgirl January 12, 2022


Hi is a word used to start a conversation


by Averygoodgirl November 30, 2019


Abigails are shy people who are generally great people they apologize a lot even though they didn’t do anything. Abigails need reassurance sometimes but are overall fun to be around. Abigails don’t take compliments very well but deep down appreciate them. Abigails have great personality’s even though they have a hard time believing it.

Person: Is that Abigail?
Other person: Yeah she’s amazing

by Averygoodgirl November 30, 2019

18👍 4👎

Ayden Bascom

Ayden Bascom is a great person who is loving, caring and sometimes a little bit annoying but when they’re being annoying it’s often more cute than annoying. Ayden Bascom’s are wonderful people to have around and if you ever meet one never ever let him go or you’ll regret it. Ayden Bascom’s like to keep to themselves and keep their feelings to themselves so if you ever meet one talk to them and let them trust you. Ayden Bascom’s are overall great people to have around.

Is that Ayden Bascom?
Yeah! That’s my best friend he’s amazing

by Averygoodgirl November 5, 2019