Bryan is one who has perfected many traits most struggle to even wrap their minds around. This individual will posses a tenacious level of attention to detail. The kind of guy to walk into a room and notice even the smallest of details. These individuals will also posses an uncanny ability to understand the mechanical workings of an almost limitless array of objects, devices, ideas and theories. Bryans are also known for their baffling ability to see good in people. Often viewed to be too forgiving they are vulnerable to being walked on. However if you invoke the wrath of a Bryan, it will not be a matter easily forgotten. Upon the release of anger that only a Bryan can bear inside you will swear the ground is shaking, the earth is going to rip open and swallow you in a fiery river of molten lava and just before you burn to death, he will dump you into the salty Red Sea to slowly drown in your guilt and regret. But up till that line is crossed and the anger spills forth Bryans will be the most loving, understanding and forgiving people you will ever meet.
Co-worker: This computer is broken. It wont do anything. I have tried everything.
Bryan: *reaches forth touching the CPU*
-after a brief moment -
Co-worker: Holy crap, this thing is running faster then a supercomputer!
Bryan: *grins*
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