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A person who lives according to the conspiracy theories and Ideologies of the Sovereign Citizen movement.

Defined as "domestic terrorists" by the FBI, SovCits have executed a number of police officers, as they went about their duties to uphold the law. They believe themselves to be above the laws of society and immune to any penalties,imposed by a judiciary they deem to be illegitimate.

The Oklahoma bomber, Timothy McVeigh was a SovCit but their principle weapon is paper terrorism.

* "You know when SovCits are lying, because their lips are moving."
* "Screaming word salad into the faces of road pirates, is how SovCits find themselves with shattered car windows, gassed, tazered and twitching on the asphalt."
* "How many SovCits does it take to screw in a lightbulb? ..ivfxu gg.xhb."

by Awkward broccoli January 9, 2024


*Combination of scalding water and sugar, used as a weapon (prison). Typically used to punish disloyalty, informing, against sex offenders and those who's crimes involve children. Intention: permanent facial scarring/disfiguration, identifying the victim as an outcast with lifelong facial scarring.

{UK prison slang}

* "When he's in the shower, church the napalm over the top."
* "A faceful of napalm will let everyone know what he is."
* "What do you want all that sugar for? You're not making napalm, are you?"
* "Put the kettle on, pal. It's napalm time."
* "You could hear him screaming all the way down the block. Napalm will teach him not to grass."

by Awkward broccoli January 7, 2024

mucky fat

Dripping , typically in pot/tub (collected when roasting pork or beef)
May be consistent or separated, with the white (lard) fat layer at the bottom and a dark (cooked blood and oil) layer on the top.

{Traditional Yorkshire/Lancashire fare}

* "Can I have a pot of mucky fat please, love?".

* Do us some mucky fat on toast, lass!"

by Awkward broccoli January 7, 2024