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diddly squat

A style of dancing which which includes a short crouch while the musician is playing the fiddle.

I never did see so many of them all doing diddly squat at once.

by AyStyle April 12, 2015

13👍 29👎


A measure of how close you believe you are to the centre of your defined bounded area while you are alone.

Dave called to say he's parking lot acentric. I'm going to meet him there because he doesn't want to be by his ace today.

by AyStyle May 27, 2015


A polite way of saying "for f*cks sake"

Woman: "I can't help you right now, I am doing my make up"
Man: "Oh gould. I'll find some other way"

by AyStyle August 26, 2018

2👍 2👎