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Eroc's Law

Eroc's law is an internet axiom that states that in any place where an MMORPG that is not Final Fantasy is mentioned, there will be at least 1 person present to extoll the virtues of Final Fantasy.

Similar to Godwin's Law, in that the longer a conversation about MMORPGs continues, the higher the likelihood of Final Fantasy being mentioned becomes.

"I was on YouTube looking at Ashes of Creation gameplay, but the comments were full of weebs talking about Final Fantasy. Eroc's Law strikes again!"

by Azraeli May 14, 2021


The best starting weapon in Black Ops 1/2 Zombies. With it's superior damage output, reload speed, Pack-a-Punch upgrade, and aesthetic, it's a complete beast, and can be used well into the 30's rounds when Pack-a-Punched, and using Double Tap.

"The Olympia is a far superior weapon to the M14. Olympia Gang."

by Azraeli October 15, 2018

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