A term referring to someone's tiny ballsack.
I will chop your little tic tac holder, your coin purse, your jelly bean pouch, your nutsack, whatever you call it, fucking off.
One of the most underrated IOS, android, etc, games. It involves you bagging things in a store, as you cannot break anything in the bag. It's actually super challenging,and addictive.
Friend 1: Have you heard of the app, "Bag It"?
Friend 2: No, what is it?
Friend 1: A game where you bag groceries, doesn't that sound fun?
Friend 2: Uhh... no?
Friend 1: Your groceries come to life, and it's like Tetris meets Toy Story. I don't know why this game is so underrated!
Friend 2: That sounds cool, i might as well download it.
3👍 5👎
A term referring to the infamous Kim Jong-un of North Korea.
Person 1: Why do I keep hearing about nuke threats on the news?
Person 2: Oh, it might just be that nuke gook at it again with his nuke threats.
Person 1: Oh, false alarm.
SHIT is an acronym that stands for, "Super Hydraulic Instantaneous Transporter". It is a car-like vehicle later renamed, "SLOW", which stands for "Super Luxurious Omnidirectional Whatchamajigger". The "SHIT", was seen in the infamous Cat in the Hat film from 2003.
Cat: Here she is, the Super Luxurious Omnidirectional Whatchamajigger! Or, S. L. O. W. for short.
Sally: S. L. O. W.?
Cat: Yeah, SLOW, it's better than the last thing we had, Super Hydraulic Instantaneous Transporter.
Conrad: Oh, you mean- (the SHIT)
Cat: DOH, quick to the SLOW, hahahahaha!