when boredem hits your skull and you decide to type every key on the keyboard right to left bottom to top twice.
me: I'm soooooo bored what should I do
my sister: Type this//..,,mmnnbbvvccxxzz'';;llkkjjhhggffddssaa\\ppooiiuuyyttrreewwqq==--00998877665544332211``
me: okay //..,,mmnnbbvvccxxzz'';;llkkjjhhggffddssaa\\ppooiiuuyyttrreewwqq==--00998877665544332211``
When you decide to skip type on your keyboard by 2 you get `24680=wryipadgjl'xvn,/13579-qetuo\sfhk;zcbm.
Lets play checkers on a keyboard!
let me set up the board.`24680=wryipadgjl'xvn,/13579-qetuo\sfhk;zcbm.
11👍 2👎