Noun. An amazing piece of equipment. Itâs a very large specialized tow truck that can lift up to 100 tons. The heaviest types of boom can rotate, effectively turning the tow truck into a sort of mobile crane, called a "rotator", and are usually reserved for heavy vehicle accidents. In the past boom trucks used a "hook and chain" system where chains are looped around the vehicle frame or axle, then lifted by a boom winch.
Check this out! What? The rotator! Whatâs a rotator? Itâs An amazing piece of equipment. Itâs a very large specialized tow truck that can lift up to 100 tons. The heaviest types of boom can rotate, effectively turning the tow truck into a sort of mobile crane, called a "rotator", and are usually reserved for heavy vehicle accidents. In the past boom trucks used a "hook and chain" system where chains are looped around the vehicle frame or axle, then lifted by a boom winch.
Noun. A toddler who is a turd. They donât listen, emotionally unstable. Also bossy, messy and very impulsive.
Hey bro my baby doesnât listen and is very impulsive and is bossy and emotionally unstable. Sounds like you have a Terddler on your hands.
Noun. Slang. It's when a student has sex with his teacher.
Hey did you hear Mary kay Laterno had a horizontal teacher conference? Wym? Its when a student has sex with his teacher. Ahh ok.
def 1- A friend or "Gangsta" friend.
A really cool crazy pal.
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Noun. Slang. A womans genitals.
Boyfriend: I wish I was there to fondle with your load makers! Girlfriend: Wym? A womanâs genitals.
Slang. Itâs when a hooker fucks someone in public.
Pimp: I have a job for you. Hooker: what is it?
Pimp: show some pubic affuction. Hooker: whatâs that? Pimp: fucking someone in public. Hooker: awesome!
Verb. Slang. Having sex while driving. Your car is now a hotel on wheels!
Cop: you know why Iâm stopping you? Couple:no
Cop: hswd couple: oh! Having sex while driving