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Brooklyn Pediatrist

Verb : a footjob given to an Italian American from the Boro of Brooklyn, by a man with rickets

Ry- “Dude, your pecker must be killing you after getting a Brooklyn Pediatrist”

Mike- “nah, it was amazing”

by BCHRISTO84 January 19, 2021


Getting injured right before game time.

Joe: Dude, what happened?
Dan: I think I pulled my groin muscle.
Joe: haha, how?!?
Dan: I was just walking onto the field for batting practice.
Joe: Nothing worse than getting milazzoed!!

by BCHRISTO84 August 12, 2017


Having Spina Bifida, Cancer, and Aids all at the same time. Can be used however you want.

Example 1: " Yo, you gotta do something about that breath! It smells like you got spicaids."

Example 2: "I can't believe that Jonny didn't come out last night. Guy is always acting like he's got spicaids or something"

by BCHRISTO84 August 11, 2017