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The real definition is "to have sex with".

Mike D: damn, Erica's mom is fine.
Me: Yeah, I'd brack.

by BDogg4Twizzle June 6, 2009

7👍 17👎


To get high on speed/meth

Scott: What do you want to do
B-Dogg: Let's get bunsted!
Later at Mike D's pad...
MIke D: Damn, you fools are bunsted.

by BDogg4Twizzle June 6, 2009


Place I used to work. The pay is great and I got to have free lunch/dinner (I was supposed to pay though).

Melanie: Hey B-Dogg, where do you work?
BDogg: I work at Wienerschnitzel
Melanie: ooh, What are you doing tonight?

by BDogg4Twizzle June 5, 2009

9👍 13👎