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High School

A form of inhumanity, believed to have been outlawed by the Geneva Conventions (See Hell). The longer one spends in a so called "Educational Facility," the worse the mental capacity, attention span, and overall health become (See Death). It is a common belief that once one is out of said facility, they are free to do whatever they wish. This is Bull Shit. The extended residence at one of these locations (See Failure) can lead to Suicide. Common side effects of high school include Insanity, Drug abuse and losing The Game. All in all, high school is a fate worse than Barney.

Person 2 - (shakes head) "High School"
B) High School Musical 3

by BEAST_modez October 7, 2008

42πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Ferrets are the current greatest threat to humanity. They currently control 51.3% of the worlds' oil supply and 73.6% of all known uranium sources. While ferrets appear kind and cute, they are actually plotting vengeance for all the inhumanities they have lived through. It is a little known fact that ferrets were the first troops drafted during the Vietnam conflict and were also forced to use segregated areas during the 1920s. The majority of ferrets are not violent, and would rather forget the past atrocities, but there are a few powerful radical sects that are believed to have been behind attacks on Madrid, London, New York and Mexico City. They have a vast information network, and experts at the CIA, KGB and MI6 have yet to crack the codes that they use.

President John F. Kennedy was killed by ferrets

by BEAST_modez October 28, 2008

39πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Bitch Got Served

A simple and efficient way to both insult and mock somebody. Used when he or she makes a huge mistake, does something stupid, or otherwise deserves to be served.

Note - If a question mark is placed at the end (Bitch Got Served?) then it shows curiosity on the part of the questioner as to whether or not the bitch in question did, in fact, get served

1) "You dropped ice cream down your pants?! Bitch got served!"

2) "You fell? But was it funny? Bitch got served?"

by BEAST_modez June 18, 2009

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Pussy Jacked

To have a fuck buddy, or any other female who one has sex or sexual relations with, stolen by someone else.

Your girlfriend is sleeping with Tom?! Dude, you got pussy jacked!

by BEAST_modez June 18, 2009

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A spamaphobe is a person who not only dislikes having spam in their inbox but fears it. There are many different levels of spamaphobia, the symptoms of which can range from cursing and rashes to hives and/or swelling of the throat. Conventional methods rarely work to cure spamaphobes, but a large dose of pwning n00bs has been said to work.

Person A: I hate those stupid ads that pop up in my inbox! I do NOT need my wood to be bigger! (shivers violently) I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE
Person B: Haha! Stupid spamaphobe!

by BEAST_modez June 12, 2008

Going Arbitrary

When faced with a tough decision, Going Arbitrary is asking an otherwise illogical question to make the decision for you. Optimally, the question should be connected to the decision in some way, though this is not necessary.

Person A) "Beef patty or chicken patty... I don't know! I'm going arbitrary. Exploration or flying houses?"

Person B) "Flying houses"

Person A) "Chicken patties it is!"

by BEAST_modez June 19, 2009

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A type of weasel, usually seen in small burrows. It is known for its incredible stupidity and its amazing ability to be terrible at anything and everything it does. The Conbot is one of the few natural examples of a jackass of all trades. The singing of the Conbot is lethal to all those who hear it.

Frank was found dead after listening to a Conbot rendition of Hey Jude

by BEAST_modez June 12, 2008

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