Source Code

Roll Tide

A completely uneducated saying a toothless redneck would say even though Alabama has not been a national powerhouse in football since the Bear left.

Bama is number one. We will win a national championship. Bear Bryant is alive. Roll Tide!!

by BEN September 28, 2004

515πŸ‘ 1148πŸ‘Ž

candy shop

a place in the projects where they sell drugs or guns

50 cent went to the candy shop to get guns not candy..

by BEN June 14, 2006

15πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

sissy cunt

-A person who hides behind their lies to promote their shitty agenda. Mostly used for Fox News employees.
-Being a real douche when you know you're a lying sack of shit.

That fucking Bill O'Reilly is being a real sissy cunt.

by BEN February 13, 2005

19πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

meal pack

a twenty four ounce can of beer and a BC Powder taken at the same time to take the edge off.

After the strenuous day at work I stopped at the gas station and picked up a meal pack to ease my pain.

by BEN March 24, 2005


Reverse Shocker. Two in the poo, one in the coo. Two in the ass, one in the grass. Inverted shocker dive. (source-Top Gun)

After applying the shocker, turn wrist 180 degrees counter clock-wise (thumb to the south) and re-insert. This will result in a white gooey substance. Don't be alarmed.

by BEN November 17, 2003

24πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


1. having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified; (ant: gay)
2. more often than not, the root word of the hostname currently assigned to Brian Hetro's current computer

Mac OS X is smate.

by BEN April 6, 2003

21πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


a word used in place of sweet, wow, or something of the sort

Ben- Hey bia, look at that girl with those tig ol bitties.
Kush- Wha-ha!!! Damn shes fine

by BEN February 24, 2003